Monday, July 11, 2011

New traffic patterns mean more...


This was the scene this morning  as the new traffic pattern took effect yesterday.

Traffic was backed up almost to the Dunkin Donuts on Quincy Shore Drive early this AM
This is going to get interesting after Labor Day when most commuters are back from summer vacations.


  1. Today - 7/11 the Bridge was Closed right at rush hour... without know this I sat in traffic heading from Hull to Quincy only to be rerouted at Hingham shipyard to Beal Street. I left my house at 4:30, basically never left Hingham, travelled all of maybe 4 miles and did not get home until 6PM -- ridiculous!

  2. Sorry to hear about your traffic woes,Dianne. Hopefully construction will move along quickly and traffic can move at a better pace as well.

  3. Seriously, that bridge is an eye-sore. I am very very glad that both Boston (Dorchester) and Quincy are doing something about it. The green rail and the new green antique-ish lamps look very nice...a lot nicer than what was there before. Deal with the traffic or find another way. I live in Quincy and it's about time we start making the city look better.

  4. I agree that the old bridge was awful, and should be replaced. What I don't agree with is that no changes to the traffic pattern are being made. This project should have included a direct on ramp from Quincy Shore Drive onto the expressway, with a downramp leading into the rotary. That design would have helped the traffic. This project will do nothing to ameliorate the traffic problems associated with Neponset Circle. Shame on the city planners for allowing our tax dollars to be spent on a project that was so poorly conceived.
